Social Safety

At Babylon, we want to create a space where all members feel safe and comfortable. Therefore, social safety is of the utmost importance. In order to guarantee this, the 35th board of Babylon drafted the Protocols on Social Safety. This document is meant to safeguard the social safety within the association by:

  • Outlining the rights and responsibilities of members, board members, and Confidential Contact Persons (CCPs);
  • Detailing the ways in which individuals in the association are expected to respond to violations of social safety;
  • Detailing the ways in which individuals in the association are able to (anonymously) report violations of social safety.

The document can be found under “Downloads” (under the section “Babylon”), and also here.

For questions you can contact

Reporting can be done via the following links:

Please note that your report will be treated with the utmost degree of confidentiality. Your report will NOT be shared with anyone expect the CCP that YOU chose unless YOU give your consent.