
Why become an active member?

If you are part of a committee of Babylon, it means that you are an active member. Being an active member has several advantages:

  • You will meet many new people from different years;
  • It is a great addition to your resumé;
  • You will organise cool activities for every member of Babylon;
  • You will be invited to one Active Member Evenings and one Active Member Activity.

Currently, Babylon has 15 committees that are available for everyone. Below you can find information about all the committees of Babylon.

The Career Committee is one of the formal committees of Babylon and aims to create a bridge between students and the professionals in the work field. 

The Career Committee is responsible for organising the annual Career Event in March. During the Career Event, communication professionals from very different companies will give presentations about their work. In previous years we have welcomed journalists, marketing specialists, communication advisors, spokespersons and many more. 

In addition the Career Committee organises the Alumni Dinner in November. While enjoying a nice dinner, members can get to know alumni and learn from their experiences in the working field.

Are you excited about the Career Market and Alumni Dinner? Keep an eye on our social media and our website for updates!

The Career Committee 2023-2024 consists of:

  • Dana Reijnders
  • Jip Dragt
  • Nour Aly

Coordinator: Lize Waeijen (+31 6 31305003)


Every year, a big communication congress is organised in collaboration with study association Mycelium (study association for Communication Science). The Congress consists of a distribution of lectures by interesting speakers and useful workshops. Themes of previous years were “Big Data: from Zero to Hero” and “Miscommunication” and last year we welcomed Johma and Stichting Vierdaagsefeesten among others. Are you already curious for the next theme and the next speakers?

The Congress Committee 2023-2024 consists of:

  • Esmee de Visser
  • Floris van Horen

Coordinator: Lize Waeijen (+31 6 31305003)


The Committee of Formal Activities (CFA) is, logically, responsible for organising formal activities. Throughout the year, the CFA will organise a variety of activities that will give our students an insight in the work field. Examples of activities organised by the CFA are company visits, guest lectures and a pub quiz. These activities offer an addition to the educational programme.

The Committee of Formal Activities 2023-2024 consists of:

  • Indy Schaaij
  • Dominika Kozio
  • Liza Barbatovici

Coordinator: Marit Brummel (+31 6 12250754)


In February 2024, the Lustrum Prom will take place. The Prom Committee is one of the committees of Babylon that usually consists of multiple study associations. However, because this year is a Lustrum year, Babylon will organise it by itself. Before the Prom can take place, many things have to be arranged. Examples include selecting a location, coming up with a theme, arranging music and much more. The Prom Committee ensures that everything is taken care of during this special night

The Prom Committee 2023-2024 consists of:

  • Emma Schiks
  • Laura Hermes
  • Lonne Rijs
  • Dominika Kozio
  • Anne Hillebrands
  • Sara Roelands
  • Famke Wouters

Coordinator: Pascal Jansen (+31 6 23022463)


The Graphic Design Committee is responsible for all the promotion material of Babylon. This includes posters, flyers and banners of all the committees. Besides that, they are responsible for the lay-out of our very own Babylon Magazine. Take a look at this website and our Facebook page for examples of the beautiful promotion material that this committee has made.

Would you like to be part of this committee, but you have no experience with Photoshop, InDesign or other similar programmes? That is no problem at all! During the year that you are part of this committee, you will learn a lot from your fellow committee members and through experience.

The Graphic Design Committee 2023-2024 consists of:

  • Noa van de Burg
  • Lucas Tallane
  • Selma Schuttél
  • Alma Polgár
  • Gregory Rizopoulos

Coordinator: Tom Hetterscheid (+31 6 57046498)


Need our help? Check this out:

Dear Babylonians,

have you perhaps thought about requesting a design from our committee but you were not sure on how to go about it? If that is the case, we would like to explain how you can contact our committee and submit your requests in a simple manner.  

Design types

From the committee, you are able to request numerous design formats which suit your needs. Below you will find a list of examples:

  • Facebook Banners
  • Instagram Posts
  • Story designs
  • Posters
  • Invitations to events

In case you have other requests in mind, that could also be arranged as long as you provide a suitable description for us in the assignment form.

How to contact us

  1. To request a design from us, please download the assignment form document and fill it out in a detailed manner.
  2. After filling out the form, send it to us as soon as possible via email at


  1. If you are commissioning us, the deadline should be placed a week in advance from the date of your request.

This facilitates the distribution of tasks within our committee and ensures that you will be satisfied with the design you requested. Just like any other student, our members are busy and require time for the completion of the assignments.

  1. Fill out the assignment form in a clear and detailed manner.

That way, we can understand your request and the idea you have in mind with ease.

  1. If you have questions of any kind, let us know via email as soon as possible.

Throughout the year, the Committee of Informal Activities (CIA) organises all kinds of informal activities. The activities can vary from karaoke to paintball and from pub crawls to a Beer Olympics. In Addition, the CIA organises several parties that are described below

Babylon ‘borrels’

The Babylon ‘borrels’ are held once a month at our local pub the Malle Babbe. These ‘borrels’ are the perfect opportunity to talk to your fellow Babylonians outside the grey walls of the Erasmus building while enjoying a drink. Every time there is a different theme and alcoholic beverages are reasonably priced! Do you want to know when the next ‘borrel’ is? Click on the ‘Local pub’ button on this website or check out our Facebook page.


Four times a year Babylon organises, in collaboration with study associations Mycelium (Communication Science) and Postelein (Pedagogical Sciences), the amazing BaMyPo. Every time, this party in the El Sombrero has an amazing theme and it is always, without any doubt, a great night.


Three times a year, we organise the legendary Inglorious parties along with study associations Postelein (Pedagogical Sciences), GSV Excalibur (History), SVN (Dutch Language and Culture), Mycelium (Communication Science) and ESV (Economics). Because this party is organised by six associations, the audience is always varied. That is one of the many reasons these parties are always fun. Do you want to know the other reasons? Make sure you come to the next Inglorious and find out yourself!


The Diesweek is the anniversary week of Babylon and will take place from 7 to 10 March 2021. During this week, daily activities are organised by the CIA. The Dies Cantus is always a recurring activity, but what will be organised on the other days?

The Committee of Informal Activities 2023-2024 consists of:

  • Quinty Vuijk
  • Emily Viecenz
  • Tara Olde Weghuis
  • Charlotte Wolferink
  • Fleur Stax
  • Zuzanna Miller
  • Maartje Wolters
  • Tibbe Franken
  • Sharon Nijsen
  • Els Kooiker
  • Emma Don

Coordinator: Pien van der Heijden (+31 6 43141492)


The kickstart for each student is, of course, the Orientation Week. During the Orientation Week, new students will get to know the Radboud University, the educational programme, the city of Nijmegen and Babylon. The Orientation Week Committee is responsible for organising this unforgettable week. The Committee already starts in the beginning of the year to make sure the Orientation Week is even better than the year before.

The Orientation Week Committee 2023-2024 consists of:

  • Lisa Veuger
  • Emma Schiks
  • Elisa Wiegerinck
  • Luna Chahma
  • Jip Dragt
  • Coen Esselink
  • Sven Drosten
  • Sophie Aerdts
  • Famke Hurkman
  • Daniël Heijboer
  • Esmee de Visser

Coordinator: Pien van der Heijden (+31 6 43141492)


The International Committee is one of the new committees of Babylon. This committee will make sure that our international members feel more at home in Babylon. First of all, the committee will give advice to the board about the process of internationalisation in Babylon. Secondly, the committee will organise various informal and formal activities that will help the international students integrate more in The Netherlands and in Babylon. These include information sessions, Dutch lessons, evenings where international and Dutch members get to know each other better and much more. Finally, the International Committee organises monthly lunches, that will have a different country as theme every time. International and Dutch students can both be members of the committee.

Do you have a question about the internationalisation of Babylon or do you have a question as an international student and you don’t know where to go? Send an email to and maybe we can help you!

The International Committee 2023-2024 consists of:

  • Anna Jagielska
  • Nikos Katsavos
  • Valeria Zibule
  • Chen Cheng
  • Selma Schuttél

Coordinator: Marit Brummel (+31 6 12250754)


The Babylon Magazine is the very own magazine of the association and the Publication Committee is the committee of Babylon that is responsible for writing articles for this magazine. Informative reports, evaluations of activities, pictures, columns and interviews are all part of the Babylon Magazine. Attention is paid to both formal and informal items. All members and sponsors receive our magazine four times a year.

Would you like to write something for the magazine, or do you have an interesting and/or creative idea? Please feel free to contact the Secretary (

The Publication Committee 2023-2024 consists of:

  • Lucas Tallane
  • Quinty Vuijk
  • Fleur Stax
  • Tibbe Franken
  • Lóa Driessen

Coordinator: Tom Hetterscheid (+31 6 57046498)


The Sports Committee is one of the informal committees of Babylon. Their main activity is Babylon’s legendary Ski Trip. Every January, all the daredevils of Babylon travel together to a winter sport area to show their skills on the slopes. Many Babylonians consider the Ski Trip as one of their best experiences in Babylon. Keep an eye out on our social media and website for the latest news on the Ski Trip!

Throughout the year, the Sports Committee also organises several other sports related activities. Examples of activities in recent years have been the Beach Sports Tournament and the Batavierenrace.

The Sports Committee 2023-2024 consists of:

  • Tex de Kock
  • Jorben Eijpe
  • Daan van Velzen

Coordinator: Pien van der Heijden (+31 6 43141492)


The Study Trip Committee is responsible for organising the Study Trip of Babylon. This will take place during the May holidays.

The Study Trip consists both of formal and informal activities, like company visits and pub crawls. Each year, the destination is selected by the committee. In previous years, Babylonians went to Bogota, Prague, Berlin, Dublin, Rio de Janeiro and Beijing. What will be the spectacular location of the Study Trip next year?

The Study Trip committee 2023-2024 consists of:

  • Dagmar Jager
  • Rozan Belterman
  • Tom Hetterscheid
  • Sieme Ponger
  • Selma Schuttel
  • Emma Don
  • Roos van de Schuur
  • Floris van Horen
  • Tibbe Franken

Coordinator: Pascal Jansen (+31 6 20430501)


The Education Committee organises the information activities of both Babylon and the educational programme Communication and Information Studies. Every year, the Education Committee organises the student-for-a-day programme and the Babylon Family Day.

We are always looking for volunteers who occasionally want to guide potential new students. Do you think this is something for you? Please feel free to contact the Commissioner of Internal Affairs (

Check the website regularly for more information on upcoming activities of this committee!

Eduction Committee 2023-2024 consists of:

  • Indy Schaaij
  • Dominika Kozio
  • Liza Barbatovci

Coordinator: Marit Brummel (+31 6 12250754)


The Weekend Committee is one of the new committees of Babylon. During the Babylon weekend, a group of approximately 40 Babylonians will go to a location somewhere in the Netherlands. This weekend will be filled with fun and ‘gezellige’ activities, such as games, a party and a Cantus.

This weekend will take place in the second semester, but a lot of things need to be arranged beforehand to make it the best weekend possible. That’s why the Weekend Committee already starts in the first semster.

The Weekend Committee 2023-2024 consists of:

  • Lóa Driessen
  • Berend Gijsbers
  • Daan van Velzen
  • Dana Reinders
  • Ira Philips
  • Sophie Aerdts 
  • Ivar de Beer
  • Julia Westdijk
  • Sven Drosten

Coordinator: Lize Waeijen (+31 6 31305003)


To make Babylon a safer and more inclusive space, the thirty-fifth board will draft a set of Protocols regarding social safety.

The Protocol Committee provides feedback, advice, and input for those Protocols.

The Protocol Committee of 2023-2024 consists of:

  • Coen Esselink
  • Chen Cheng
  • Sophie Aerdts

The Lustrum Committee is the committee that is responsible for organising Babylon’s lustrum activities. A year is called a Lustrum year when it is the 5th, 10th, 15th etc. birthday of the association. Next year, Babylon will turn 35, reason enough for the Lustrum Committee to organise crazy and amazing activities for the Babylon members. 

There is enough to do to prepare for the Lustrum year, so that is why the Lustrum Committee is formed the year before the actual Lustrum takes place. 

The Lustrum Committee 2023-2024 consists of:

  • Sven Drosten
  • Famke Hurkmans
  • Daniël Heijboer
  • Coen Esselink
  • Daan van Velzen
  • Quirijn Somers
  • Rianne Zwarts
  • Dana Reinders
  • Lloyd Hooghwinkel

Coordinator: Zoë Spoorenberg (+31 6 45869871)


Every Lustrum year, an Almanac is created for all the members that were part of Babylon before. In this Almanac, we look back at the last 5 years of our association, highlight special developments, memories and take a look at the boards from the last couple of years. The Almanac Committee makes sure that this book is created, and they have all the freedom in the world to create, write and design it.  

The Almanac Committee is, just as the Lustrum Committee, only 2 years active. The year before and during the Lustrum year.  

The Almanac Committee 2022-2023 consists of:

  • Willem Sanders
  • Job Coehorst
  • Ivar de Beer

Coordinator: Tom Hetterscheid (+31 6 57046498)
