About Babylon
Babylon is the study association for students of Communication and Information Studies at the Faculty of Arts at the Radboud University.
Babylon was founded in 1989 and since then, the study association is available to all students of Communication and Information Studies who would like to enrich their student life in a formal and informal way. In addition, the study association is also available to lecturers of Communication and Information Studies, Contributing Graduates (graduate students of Communication and Information Studies who are still members of Babylon), and other interested parties. Currently, Babylon has approximately 500 members.
Babylon is actively trying to create a healthy and positive study environment for students of Communication and Information Studies. It organises a wide range of activities for its members. These vary from study-related activities, like Company Visits, Career Events, the Study Trip and the annual Congress, to informal activities like ‘borrels’ (informal drinks), parties, evening activities and the Ski Trip.
Babylon was founded in 1989 and is the study association of the educational programme Communication and Information Studies in Nijmegen. The name “Babylon” has its origins in the Bible. According to Genesis 11: 1-9, the descendants of Noah decided to build a city with a tower that would reach all the way to heaven. They gave this city the name Babylon, but the city was also called Babel. God regarded the pursuit of building a tower to heaven as pagan hubris and punished the descendants with confusion of tongues. This linguistic confusion was spread from Babylon throughout the whole world.
The city of Babylon currently still exists and is located on an important tributary of the Euphrates, about 90 kilometres south of Baghdad. In the second millennium BC, Babylon was the political, cultural and religious centre of southern Mesopotamia, which was also called Babylonia.
Mesopotamia – the area between the Euphrates and the Tigris – had the shape of a crescent. This crescent is reflected in the logo of Babylon and is also the symbol of the association. The larger ‘Y’ shows a (communication) balance; Babylon is a balanced organisation. The bar under the logo indicates a solid foundation. The bright colours in the logo give Babylon a refreshing character. In addition, the colour blue stands for quality. Innovation and quality are important matters to Babylon.
Babylon aims to enrich the student lives of all Communication and Information Studies students at the Radboud University in Nijmegen. Babylon does so by organising numerous enjoyable activities and activities pertaining to academics and business. Contact with the business world plays an important role in many of these activities. Babylon offers students the opportunity to gain experience in the field in an informal, laid-back setting and aims to function as a link between the business and student world. Furthermore, Babylon emphasises the importance of amicable bonds/friendships that come into existence through organising and attending the activities organised by the study association.